Thursday, May 24, 2007

lost vs heroes

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This week I've seen the season finales of both Heroes Season 1 and Lost Season 3. One of them was a disappointment. Or, honestly, a big disappointment. And the other was among the best drama I've ever seen on TV. Absolutely classic.


And the winner is...


Lost season 3 has been a big surprise. I didn't like season 2. But the last ten episodes of season 3 have all been great. Some of them even greater than great. Heroes was also a surprise. I really liked it a lot. But they totally blew it in the last two episodes. The final was actually a huge disappointment. They could have made something great but they didn't. Instead they just played it safe and boring. But Lost. A two hour episode full of drama. And who are the bad guys? Really? Haven't the survivors killed a lot more of The Others than the other way arround? Or maybe people can't die on this island? But some of them have. So why do some people seem to be able to cheat death? I actually start to feel sorry for Ben. He's in a big mess now. And these new flashforwards were very sad and disturbing. Will they be able to change the future? What will happen to Jack? Will he be able to get back to the island and get his life on track again? Will Charlies last message change anything? The one he wrote on his hand? I blurred it just to be nice. You could read it perfectly well. I'm still a bit blown away by all the implications of this episode. When did they say season 4 would start? It will be a long hard wait.

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