Wednesday, May 30, 2007
the teenagers - homecoming
Love is so totally 20th century. The Teenagers don't even try to pretend. This must be one of the most honest "love songs" ever.
gary fucking numan
gary numan - we are so fragile live london 1979
gary numan - i die you die
gary numan - down in the park live london 1980
gary numan- we are glass
Gary Numan is the shit! This is the reason why we need time machines. Why can't bands have concerts like these anymore? Boring bastards!
gary numan - i die you die
gary numan - down in the park live london 1980
gary numan- we are glass
Gary Numan is the shit! This is the reason why we need time machines. Why can't bands have concerts like these anymore? Boring bastards!
Monday, May 28, 2007
28 weeks later

This movie was a huge surprise. I liked 28 Days Later but I thought it was a bit uneven. So a sequel...? Could that be something? First I was a bit skeptic. But now. This sequel totally blows its predecessor away. This movie rock! It's dark. Super dark. It's depressing and really scary sometimes. It's full of "rage" and totally insane action. It also has a near perfect soundtrack. Enrique Chediaks cinematography is sometimes frightenly close to the pictures you see in the news from Iraq or 9/11 and sometimes very beautiful and almost iconic. Juan Carlos Fresnadillos direction is brilliant. There's a great flow in the movie and for once someone manage to make a movie that feels too short instead of too long. 28 Weeks Later is only 99 minutes long. Which is perfect. There's not a boring or unnecessary moment in this movie. I kind of liked Alfonso Cuaróns Children of Men and I liked V for Vendetta a lot. But 28 Weeks Later surpasses both of those movies. Together with Kinji Fukasakus Battle Royale I think this is one of the best and most moving and frightening dystopic visions I've ever seen. Don't miss it!
Saturday, May 26, 2007
naive new beaters - bang bang
The Naive New Beaters show us the summer fashion. There's an awful lot of great party music comming out of France right now. Have fun!
der himmel über berlin

I'm sitting in my sofa watching Der Himmel über Berlin on DVD. It's a beautiful movie. Henri Alekans cinematography is close to perfect. In 1946 he also shot Jean Cocteaus "La Belle et la Bête. The movie was released in 1987 and it had a great impact on me back then. It has this very heavy and dark 80's feeling. The Berlin Wall is very present through out the movie. So is the Second World War and to some extent the Cold War. There are also plenty of references to the early masters of German and European cinema. The music by Crime & the City Solution and Nick Cave and the Bad Seeds fits the movie perfect. It has a lot in common with Lars von Triers movies The Element of Crime and Europa. Bruno Ganz is excellent as the angel Damiel. So is Peter Falk as himself. Unfortunately Solveig Dommartin, who was perfect as the trapeze artist Marion, died in January this year. Only 45 years old. It's a haunting movie. Very post punk, very European and very meditative. I found a nice clip with Solveig, Bruno and Crime & the City Solution on YouTube. Enjoy.
crime & the city solution - six bells chime
Thursday, May 24, 2007
lost vs heroes

This week I've seen the season finales of both Heroes Season 1 and Lost Season 3. One of them was a disappointment. Or, honestly, a big disappointment. And the other was among the best drama I've ever seen on TV. Absolutely classic.
And the winner is...
Lost season 3 has been a big surprise. I didn't like season 2. But the last ten episodes of season 3 have all been great. Some of them even greater than great. Heroes was also a surprise. I really liked it a lot. But they totally blew it in the last two episodes. The final was actually a huge disappointment. They could have made something great but they didn't. Instead they just played it safe and boring. But Lost. A two hour episode full of drama. And who are the bad guys? Really? Haven't the survivors killed a lot more of The Others than the other way arround? Or maybe people can't die on this island? But some of them have. So why do some people seem to be able to cheat death? I actually start to feel sorry for Ben. He's in a big mess now. And these new flashforwards were very sad and disturbing. Will they be able to change the future? What will happen to Jack? Will he be able to get back to the island and get his life on track again? Will Charlies last message change anything? The one he wrote on his hand? I blurred it just to be nice. You could read it perfectly well. I'm still a bit blown away by all the implications of this episode. When did they say season 4 would start? It will be a long hard wait.
Wednesday, May 23, 2007
twisted charm - cinema
After the drug jokes we need some new british music that sounds like it's from the late 70's. So here's Twisted Charm again. Brilliance!
really really really slow - one

Some people waste my time by speaking about the beauty of "free market" and "anarcho-capitalism". The dude in the old BMW above is one of their beloved entrepreneurs. The ones that will save the world and loads of other things. The strange thing is that many of these entrepreneurs act just like Yuri Andropov or some other "visionary" Soviet leader. They are totally useless. They will corrupt and slow down any system available to them. It doesn't matter if it's a socialist republic, a democracy, a theocracy or a "free market" - they will always be on top and make a profit while selling their mother. Besides that they will always drive really slow in the fast lane while speaking in their mobile phones and blocking the way for everyone else. I'm sure this clown will be a minister in our conservative/liberal government really soon. Me bitter? Nooooo!
more cat food

This little Marsh Tit was really close of becomming cat food too. My sister picked it out of our cats mouth. It looked a bit confused.
bumble bee

The old apple tree is full of flowers and almost as many bumble bees. I really like to sit under the tree and listen to the hum. Lately I've started to keep an eye on domesticated honeybees because of the Colony Collapse Disorder aka the Vanishing Bee Syndrome which has occured in some areas in Europe but mainly in the US. Do you remember the bees in the X-files? The truth is out there ; )
Thursday, May 17, 2007
midnight monkeys - monkeys on attack
My old pals the Midnight Monkeys and The Puff played at Debaser yesterday. Some evil shit had stolen all their equipment so they arranged a support party to earn some money so they can buy new equipment. Of course I missed it so now I urge everyone to buy their songs or catch the thief so they can continue to have a rock'n'roll lifestyle! Buy! Obey! Midnight Monkeys! The Puff! Buy now! Catch thief! Go now.
homeless in fiskis
the height
fisksätra history class

Fisksätra has been known as Fisksätra for more than a thousand years. Back then the sea level was five meters higher than today and I would have had an even shorter way to the beach. Back in 1968 the archaeologist Kerstin Östmark excavated two viking graves here. One was where the the small indoor arena/gymnasium is now, just by the train station and the other was where the entrance to Braxengatans laundry room is now. Some believes that there may be more graves under the rocks that you can find at the height behind the sport arena. You can see some of them in the picture above. Pretty cool.
lost - greatest hits

Season three of Lost continues to be interesting and entertaining TV. In this episode Charlie follows the mysterious cable underwater and give us even more questions to think about. This series is turning into a mystery smorgasbord. You can find references to almost all your favourite adventures here. Is Jacob a strange version of Captain Nemo on this mysterious island? Are the crash survivors prisoners on the island or is the island purgatory? Is there a relation between the island and the Black Lodge? Who knows? But I like it.
Wednesday, May 16, 2007
Tuesday, May 15, 2007
heroes - landslide

This was one totally annoying episode. It didn't really suck. But what the hell!!! The last episodes have been brilliant. Why this? Why does Hiro first behave like a retarded 8 year old kid and then suddenly learns how to become a super samurai in five minutes? Is he somekind of "idiot savant"? And then we have Matt Parkman. Can he read minds or not? I think it's time for the scriptwriters to decide. They are ruining the illusion! I don't buy this anymore and it pisses me off. Who's in charge? Who let a half finished script like this through? There are of course great stuff in this episode too. But they almost disappear because of these unnecessary mistakes. I hope they shape up now because if they ruin the last episode of this season I will be the exploding man - not Sylar.
Read more about the episode here.
Saturday, May 12, 2007
post punk party tonight!
malaria! - your turn to run (1984)
public image ltd. - poptones (1979)
Two great post punk bands in tonights post punk party. Malaria! was a part of the Neue Deutsche Welle scene in Berlin in the early 80's. Public Image Ltd was the band John Lydon created after Sex Pistols crashed and burned. Public Image Ltd first two albums must be John Lydons creative peak. They are totally brilliant on all levels.
public image ltd. - poptones (1979)
Two great post punk bands in tonights post punk party. Malaria! was a part of the Neue Deutsche Welle scene in Berlin in the early 80's. Public Image Ltd was the band John Lydon created after Sex Pistols crashed and burned. Public Image Ltd first two albums must be John Lydons creative peak. They are totally brilliant on all levels.
la fouine - qui peut me stopper
More French hip hop - this time it's La Fouine. I dedicate this song to all paranoid right wing extremists who believes in and spreads the "Eurabia" myth.
the bird cherry outside my house
carmen two
carmen one
julia margaret cameron

I went to Carmen yesterday afternoon for a beer or two. I think I left Carmen around midnight. I met the publisher Magnus Winbladh and a friend of his. We had a long discussion about pirates, art and school politics. He gave me his latest book "Fotografi - en introduktion" - "Photography - an introduction". It seems to be a very interesting book, but I've just looked through it so far so I don't really know yet. That's the reason why I have a picture made by Julia Margaret Cameron above. She's of course mentioned in the book. This is what I love with Carmen. You walk in there for a beer and you walk out several hours and beers later with a great book in your hand and fragments of a really fun evening in your brain.
psy 4 de la rime - le monde est stone
Here's the European version of hip hop and it's good. I've listened a lot to Psy 4 de la Rime and other French hip hop outfits lately. It's a brilliant soundtrack to life in Fiskis.
Thursday, May 10, 2007
lost - the man behind the curtain

This was a brilliant Lost episode and season three has totally restored my faith in this series. I wasn't that happy with season two and I got really worried when they killed off Mr Eko in the beginning of season three. But now I'm hooked again. In this episode we get to know more about Bens background and what happened to the DHARMA Initiative. We also find out that Dr Richard Alpert is a lot older than he seemed to be. For more spoilers than that I suggest you go and read the wiki article.
Wednesday, May 09, 2007
maps - it will find you
Maybe not the best song ever. But it's perfect music to listen to a warm afternoon or after 10 hours out in the forest. I'm dead tired now. Almost as tired as the slow worm. Anyway - this is the second video by Maps. The album will be out soon. I think you can find it already on iTunes.
epa traktor
findlay brown - losing the will to survive
We need some folkish music now because soon we will take the train out to the big forests that surrounds Stockholm. This is Findlay Brown. Don't know that much about him. Losing The Will To Survive is his latest single and I like that folk feeling it has. Sounds a bit like Tim Hardin or Crosby Stills Nash and Young and that can never be wrong. See you in the countryside.
bird cherry

It's more early summer than spring now. Feels good. The Bird Cherry has started to blossom as you can see.
Tuesday, May 08, 2007
heroes - the hard part

Sylar: "Maybe I don't have to be special. That it's okay to just be a normal watchmaker. Can't you just tell me that's enough?"
His mum: "Why would I tell you that? When I know you could be so much more. If you want it you could be president."
In this episode Sylar suddenly became a much more interesting character. This episode was kind of a "disturbing mum" episode. Two very hard to live with mothers preassuring their sons. I liked that turn. Or were one of them really the real mother? Who knows? A great episode anyway. If you're looking for more spoilers check the wiki article or even better - watch the show. Only two more episodes left of Heroes season one...
Saturday, May 05, 2007
darker than black

I've just watched the first four episodes of Bones new anime series Darker Than Black. I'm hopeful. Bones has made some really classic anime series like RahXephon, Scrapped Princess and Fullmetal Alchemist. Unfortunately did their last big series, Eureka Seven, turn out to be a disappointment. But so far is Darker Than Black a very pleasant experience. It's mysterious and dark. I like the way much anime reuse and explore old themes and ideas. It gives the best of them a weird familiar feeling. In Darker Than Black I can find themes that reminds me of both FLCL, Boogiepop Phantom, Ergo Proxy and many others. Let's hope this series turns out better than Eureka Seven.
turn right
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