Saturday, February 03, 2007

public service

kate bush - babooshka

I love Kate Bush. Totally pretentious and arty but at the same time very cool, playful and sexy. You have to respect her for getting away with it. Few others would. The "Kate the Barbarian" dress is fantastic!!

peter gabriel - here comes the flood

This comes from a 1979 Christmas special. Just look at the presentation! Kate Bush and two weird old hippies singing about Peter Gabriel. No commercials, no product placements and no silly juries or phone votes. Just a lot of talent. I miss noncommercial public service broadcasting. No one dares to do stuff like this anymore. Maybe HBO and Showtime ought to make quality music entertainment too - not just excellent drama series. Here in Sweden it would be interesting if Spader Knekt made a christmas special for TV with the Knife or maybe the Weeping Willows as hosts - depending on how arty and weird you want to make it. Then they could have guests like Radio Dept, Peter Bjorn & John, the Concretes, Frida Hyvönen, Fläskkvartetten and Anna Ternheim. Wouldn't that be something.


Anonym said...

Jag blir alldeles tårögd. Så unga! Så vackra! Och så bekvämt när någon annan sållar ut guldkornen från youtube:)

Anonym said...

Men Frida Hyvönen gillar jag inte alls. Överskattat murvelplink!

Johan Muren said...

Nja, några bra spår tycker jag att hon har gjort. Men hon är ju definitivt ingen Kate Bush...