Monday, February 26, 2007

labrador 100

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I just wan't to say that this is one of the best compilations that I've ever listened to. Buy it! It's great. No, it's brilliant! Almost all of the 100 songs are sunny pop hits or rare little gems. There are some exceptions but who cares. That's life. You can't like everything. I really understand why these artist are invited to TV shows in South Korea, Japan and Taiwan. And these 100 great songs are from just one of Swedens many independent labels. Okay, they have collected songs from a period of ten years. But I think it's impressive anyway. Support Labrador and the Swedish independent scene. And if you're one of my old friends from Uppsala then you have a great chance to support our old friend Pelle Carlberg too. He's well represented on this compilation, both as a solo artist and with Edson.

Here are two songs from Labrador 100.

tribeca - the sun always shines on tv

The song is recorded from MTV Taiwan.

the radio dept - pulling our weight

The Radio Dept rules!

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