Saturday, February 24, 2007

daniel & simon

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It's kind of disturbing when you get drunk and annoyed after just two beers. But I blame that on the capitalist system - all work and no play! It just makes me pissed off! Luckily Daniel aka Vinlusen and Simon seemed to be quite forgiving. Our brilliant imagination managed to take us to - SURPRISE!!!! - Snottys... I complained a lot about all the supersticious Swedish peasants who seems to hate every ounce of wilderness that happens to show itself outside their houses. They seems to prefer to have some kind of combined shooting range and golf course outside their houses instead of real nature. Why can't they stop whining and move to a city instead? That would make my Friday evenings so much more harmonious and relaxed. Or maybe I just need some sleep and vacation. Who knows. What was I talking about? Is that a bed?

1 comment:

Anonym said...

Jag hade en liknande upplevelse i fredags. Fast kvar i Fiskis. Det var nog bäst.