Thursday, October 21, 2004

weird science 1.2

weird science, originally uploaded by John Barleycorn.

In the october issue of Wired there's a very interesting article about the so called "Intelligent Design" theory. This is a pseudo scientific theory promoted by the conservative "think tank" the Discovery Institute as a way to get Creationism back into the American classrooms. They do it with the help of old Reagan administration officials and Moonies. And that's just the tip of the iceberg. The new right seems to love pseudo science, it's so convenient! You can prove whatever you want with it. If someone disagree with you - then you just accuse them of being atheist liberals or socialists! Or even better - of not being objective! Simple. Often they even seem to believe their own pseudo scientific fantasies. The Neo-liberals have their precious Chicago School of Economics (When will the creationists get their first Nobel prize? The Chicago boys have eight!), the Randians have their Objectivism (these guys are almost as far out as the Raelians) and the Neo-conservatives and the Christian Right have creationism and the Intelligent Design theory. Will the left ever be able to beat that? Hope not!

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