Saturday, March 17, 2007

stereolab 1996

stereolab - cybele's reverie

stereolab - the noise of carpet

Stereolab will always be on my Top 5 list of the best bands ever. They have a great flow in their music which you can trace back to German krautrock, especially Neu! and their song Hallogallo with its famous motorik beat. That combined with influences from cool French pop from the 60's like Serge Gainsbourg and Jane Birkin gives them a very special sound. These two songs, Cybele's Revenge and The Noise of Carpet, are from their brilliant 1996 album Emperor Tomato Ketchup. Every song on this album brings back loads of memories. I saw them in Stockholm in the mid 90's when they played at Studion (St Eriksplan). It was a really good concert.


Anonymous said...

Stereolab på Studion... Aahhhh.


Johan Muren said...

De va tider de!!!