Monday, March 19, 2007

rome - deus impeditio esuritori nullus

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Rome is in excellent shape right now. It has everything we loved with the Roman empire - sex, decadence, violence, love, intrigue and weird food. Mark Antony, brilliantly played by James Purefoy, is enjoying life in Egypt together with Cleopatra. Titus Pullo has more or less adopted Lucius Vorenus kids while Lucius Vorenus is taking care of young Caesarion who he knows is actually Titus Pullo's son. And that's just the beginning. There's starvation in Rome and things are starting to look pretty desperate for Octavian. But the boy has a plan. A good one too. I really enjoyed this episode. It was very very dark and sad. Almost all characters are controlled by their instincts and desires. Sometimes they aspire for something more - for love - and for a short while life gives them some hope just to take it away a few moments later. You can't escape your destiny. This is a Greek tragedy in Rome.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Tjena Johan,

Det var ett tag sen! Tänkte bara höra hur det går med dej i Fisksätra! Här i LA är det lika mycket smog som vanligt. lol!
Hoppas vi kan ses snart igen och fika som vanligt!
Lisiver :)