Saturday, December 09, 2006

heroes - the season finale

Ouch! This show is so damn good! I really love it. Just as I once loved Twin Peaks and Riget. Mutants are a more or less unexplored theme for a TV drama (I wonder why?) and here it works perfectly, at least most of the time. This last episode was great. One of the best this season. Unfortunatley, as the preview said: "A hero will be lost." And that hero seems to be one of my favourites, Eden. I liked her smooth "Bene Gesserit" voice. I hope "lost" isn't the same thing as "dead and no longer a part of the show". Instead another great character, The Haitian, takes a huge step forward in this episode. I like that move. He's too cool to just use in the background. If you ever liked dark and fantastic tales - then do yourself a favour and watch this show.

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