Monday, December 11, 2006

dexter - truth be told

Not as good as the last episode. But still a great episode. Rudy/The Ice Truck Killer has a really disturbing way of celebrating christmas. Dexters flashbacks of the brutal chainsaw murder of his mother are getting more frequent and detailed. His mind is drifting away when he needs to focus on his job. But he gets his act together and manage to find out who the Ice Truck Killer is. Dexters sister Debra is totally blinded by love. Her boyfriend has PSYCHOKILLER written all over his forehead and she (and her psychokiller brother!) can't see it! And she's a police detective! Too bad for her. All relationships in this series seems to be at best dysfunctional and at worst lethal. There are only two kinds of people - the really disturbed ones like Dexter and Rudy who desperately tries to blend in and be super nice and normal. Almost boring. Then you have the desperate and insecure ones like Debra and Angel. Always searching. Always falling madly in love and then getting jealous, scorned or burned. Always testing their partners patience. It seems like living as a single is the safest alternative if you want to stay alive or just staying sane. It's so sad!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Äh! Den kickade apa!, blod, känslor och styckade julklappar i en enda röra, jag grät nästan en skvätt när kidsen fick återse pappa i fängelset, ifall jag hade varit bakis så hade tårarna forsat, slog lätt förra avsnittet, men, det är bara ett kvar nu, hur ska dom få ihop det här?!!!