Friday, June 03, 2005

russian culture

njutafilms, originally uploaded by John Barleycorn.

Njutafilms has had the great taste to release a couple of great Russian movie classics on DVD. Right now I'm totally enjoying Nikita Mikhalkov's fantastic "At Home Among Stangers". An almost surreal take on Sergio Leone's harsh western's. It's such a great movie! It makes me wish I was Russian!! As soon as I have some more money I will buy Njutafilms 5 disc DVD release of Sergei Bondarchuk's incredible, almost 7 hour long, interpretation of Leo Tolstoy's "War and Peace" and at least one bottle of Stolichnaya. That will be one fantastic weekend!


gudmundson said...


If you haven't seen Der Untergang yet, well, you just have to. I saw it last sunday afternoon and I have been depressed ever since.

True greatness.

Johan Muren said...

Hahaha, I just downloaded Hitlers Hitparade - a documentary about nazi popculture. Maybe that will cheer you up!

Nutrix said...

I JUST saw that film last night (for the 3rd time maybe..), googled Michalkov and stumbled on your blog :) Man, you don't want to be Russian :)) Most of the hunks in that movie are long dead from cirrhosis..I do love it though, the movie, makes you feel so alive, doesn't it ?..One hell of an adrenaline safari..