Tuesday, April 12, 2005

rhapsody r.i.p. 2005 04 11

rhapsody, originally uploaded by John Barleycorn.

Sad and crazy news. Last night Rhapsody sank very rapidly in the sea outside Phuket (close to Richelieu Rock). Don't know much yet. But it seems like everybody onboard are safe on land again (now I know they are). Thank God for that. My sister and her fellow crew members had to wait in the water for 8 hours before they got rescued. It's so sad. Rhapsody was a beautiful ship and I had a fantastic time onboard. I really hope that my sister, Rich and all the others at Oceanic are safe now and that they manage to solve this crisis! All my thoughts goes to them right now.

Read more about the accident in the Phuket Gazette.

On Wednesday the 13th Anna and Rich will dive down to Rhapsody to try to find out what happened. She lies on 40 m depth. More info later.


gudmundson said...


Meddela så fort du vet nåt.


Johan Muren said...

Anna liksom övrig besättning och passagerare är omtumlade men helt oskadda. Däremot vet ingen vad som orsakade olyckan. Anna och Rich ska dyka ner i morgon onsdag för att se om de kan få några ledtrådar till olycksförloppet. De hade en jävla tur i oturen! Det hade kunnat gått riktigt illa... brrrrr...