Thursday, April 14, 2005

anna & friend

anna & friend, originally uploaded by John Barleycorn.

Just so you don't forget her. My sister Anna has a lot to think about right now. It seems like they couldn't find much when they dived down to Rhapsody. She had sunk too deep into the sand for an easy search through. That's all I know at this time. Send her a friendly thought once in a while : )


Anonymous said...

Jag tänker ofta på Anna, men e-postar henne sällan, vill inte "störa" henne, därför skönt att få rapporter via din blog ibland! Hälsa att vi tänker på henne! Geze hälsar också så klart!

Johan Muren said...

Klart jag ska - hälsa Geze!