Festa med Loop Troop på 1 maj! Läs mer på peppbrigaden.
Friday, April 29, 2005
Doesn't look like much now - but hopefully it will be a nice little garden in a couple of months.
Saturday, April 23, 2005
simon, magnus, jerker & clara
We were in my brothers appartment. I had a really good time. It's not so bad turning 40...
Thanx everyone for coming! And thanx for the great presents!
marja, johanna & per
So, it has finally happened. I'm officially 40 now. I'm super old! Tried to erase this knowledge with plenty of wine. Didn't work. But it was really nice to meet some old (and young) friends.
Friday, April 22, 2005
the cookie squad
Famara, Ignacio & Reker tried to sell some cookies in Fiskis Centrum. I bought a bunch. It's for their school trip.
My little "gangster" remembered my birthday and gave me flowers! Such a nice little gangster! He also gave me a "kärlek hård kram" - that's sort of "love hard hug" - it's a guy thing you know.
Sunday, April 17, 2005
on the move
My brother Andreas and Oskar. We helped Andreas, Johanna & Malte to move into their new big & beautiful appartment.
Saturday, April 16, 2005
anna, rich & rhapsody
Hej alla där hemma!
En del av er vet redan vad som hänt och andra inte, men jag tänkte i alla fall skriva några rader och berätta samtidigt som jag vill tala om att jag efter omständigheterna mår bra och jag kommer att stanna kvar i Thailand i alla fall maj månad ut.
Natten mellan söndag och måndag (10/11 april) ca: kl 00:15 så sjönk Rhapsody. Rhapsody är dyk båten som jag brukar jobba på, hon var en liveaboard båt som gjorde 4 dagars turer upp till Similan.
Jag vaknade mitt i natten av att något kändes väldigt fel och inser att hon lutar alldeles på tok för mycket särskilt med tanke på att havet var lugnt. Efter att ha rusat upp på däck för att skaffa mej en snabb överblick om vad som händer inser jag att läget är betydligt alvarligare än jag någonsin kunde tro, jag väcker Rich, min kollega, och tillsammans väcker vi kunderna (thai/båt staffen var vid detta laget också vaken) ser till att dom får på sig flytvästar och lämnar båten. Vår kapten hinner skicka iväg mayday och få med sig en signalanordning. Från det att jag vaknade tills vi såg Rhapsody sjunka tog det ca 3-4 min.
Alla klarade sig utan skador, vi hann få med flytvästar och livbojar så alla kunde få hjälp att hålla sig flytande detta plus en signalboj och en SOS lampa, tyvärr så har alla personliga ägodelar gått förlorat, men vi lever ju så jag ska inte klaga.
Vi hade tur med vädret då det var stjärnklart och havet var aldels lugnt. Vi låg och drev runt på vattnet i 8 timmar(dvs hela natten) innan vi blev upplockade ca kl 08.15 på morgonen av en fiskebåt. Vi var då alla rätt frusna och medtagna men som sagt utan några fysiska skador. Alla hade behållt lugnet hela tiden och vi hade hela natten pratat och skojat lite för att hålla humöret uppe. 5 båtar passerade oss under natten och morgonen utan att see oss men som sagt till sist fick en fiskebåt modell större syn på oss, tack och lov.
Så här några dagar senare käns det väldigt overkligt och känslorna går upp och ner hela tiden. Ena stunden är jag glad för att jag är i livet och andra stunden ledsen för att jag förlorat oviktiga materiella saker som t ex mobiltelefon, walkman, kläder mm. Har haft svårt att sova några nätter men det börjar bli bättre. Ett viktigt steg i bearbetningen var att vi återvände 2 dagar senare jag och Rich tillsammans med försäkringbolaget och dök på henne. Vi hittade ett par saker av värde men inte så mycket, hon ligger väldigt djup 40 m och vi hade inte perfekta dykförhållanden men det var skönt att se henne igen och ta farväl även om det kändes konstigt att kunna simma in i hytten som jag bara ett par nätter tidigare sovit i.
Min plan nu är att stanna maj månad ut här i Kata, jag kan nog inte komma till ro hemma just nu ändå då jag vill vara här och få veta vad som händer och hur framtiden kommer att se ut. Jag är omgiven av vänner och blir väl omhändertagen. Saknar er alla.
Kram, Anna
Thursday, April 14, 2005
anna & friend
Just so you don't forget her. My sister Anna has a lot to think about right now. It seems like they couldn't find much when they dived down to Rhapsody. She had sunk too deep into the sand for an easy search through. That's all I know at this time. Send her a friendly thought once in a while : )
Tuesday, April 12, 2005
rhapsody r.i.p. 2005 04 11
Sad and crazy news. Last night Rhapsody sank very rapidly in the sea outside Phuket (close to Richelieu Rock). Don't know much yet. But it seems like everybody onboard are safe on land again (now I know they are). Thank God for that. My sister and her fellow crew members had to wait in the water for 8 hours before they got rescued. It's so sad. Rhapsody was a beautiful ship and I had a fantastic time onboard. I really hope that my sister, Rich and all the others at Oceanic are safe now and that they manage to solve this crisis! All my thoughts goes to them right now.
Read more about the accident in the Phuket Gazette.
On Wednesday the 13th Anna and Rich will dive down to Rhapsody to try to find out what happened. She lies on 40 m depth. More info later.
Monday, April 11, 2005
ko pha ngan
night flight
This is from my journey back home to Sweden. It was quite an adventure with lots of turbulence in the beginning but also with a beautiful night sky.
Finally I want to thank my parents, my brother Andreas, his wife Johanna, Malte, my sister Anna, Per Gud, Jimmy & Yupei, Marja, Robin & Jelena, Patrik & Kristina, Ronny, Fredrik & Malin for an absolutely fantastic birthday present. I'll never forget these two weeks. They were totally unbelievable! Thank you all!!!
kata beach
Kata Beach in the afternoon light. This is from my last day there... sadness... I miss the sea, the sun and all the people there.
These guys work in a shed by the street outside the N.N. house. They make light signs and usually work the whole night. They had some really cool and beautiful tattoos.
azut, me & sao
This is me together with the coolest ladies in Kata. Azut & Sao work at the Blue Fin. Azut live in the same house as my sister. They listen a lot to Love Channel (a cable radio channel with lots of romantic thai pop music) and drink Marguerita pitchers after work... well, not all the time. But sometimes... I miss them!!
pirate queen
This is the Pirate Queen. She sells dvd's outside Oceanic. A lot of really good stuff. Music too. Here she shows off her talents as an electrician too. A very cool and friendly lady.
orawan sauna
This is a place I totally recommend - the Orawan Sauna! If you follow Patak road towards Phuket Town and then turn right into Soi Kok Tanod road and go to the Kata firestation. There you turn left into the jungle. After a short while you come to Orawan Sauna. Try their one hour oil massage and herbal sauna for 360 bath. It's just like heaven!! They have a small pool and a nice bar too. Can life get any better?
kata market
On Mondays and Thursday the market comes to Kata. I just have to walk 50 meters from my sisters appartment to get there. It looks like a forest of mushrooms when hundreds of tarpaulins cover the market booths. You can buy clothes, shoes, fish, meat, fruit, spices, flowers, incense, vcd's, vegetables - well almost anything. I usually buy some freshly boild corn with salt. Very tasty!
rich & the tattoo
After a whole lot of Chang at Mee Bar Rich decides to show us his tattoo on the inside of his lip. We were very impressed!
mee dog
This is my favourite dog at Mee bar. Loads of cats & dogs in Thailand. Most of them are very happy and friendly. Don't think I've ever met so many charming and happy dogs anywhere else.
Lek's bar is one of the three most frequent meeting places for the divers in Kata. The other two are Blue Fin and Mee's. Well, that's what they say. Don't blame me if that's wrong. But I liked all three of them. Lek's has good drinks, Blue Fin excellent pizza and Marguerita pichers and Mee's, well Mee's just fun!
bicycle repairs
This bicycle repair workshop was on our way to Rich appartment. We promised to feed his cats.
Sunday, April 10, 2005
deep blue
Two very satisfied divers. This was an absolutely fantastic diving trip. Almost 14 hours under water at some of the best and most spectacular dive sites in the world! Mantas, Leopard sharks, Turtles, Seahorses, Lionfish, Scorpionfish, Muray eels and a thousand other types of fish. As you can see from my very relaxed and professional look I'm an Advanced Open Water Diver by now!
richelieu rock
Richelieu rock is two different things. Above the sea surface just a very small rock but under water it's a spectacular dive site. It was one of Jacques-Yves Cousteau's favourite diving sites and I totally understand why. So very very much to see! Absolutely fantastic!
This is Micro feeding some fish at Koh Bon. Don't really remember what kind of relation Micro had to the boat but I think he was Ton's son or something... maybe... or not...
the kitchen
This is the view from the kitchen. King the Chef made some excellent food on his two small cookers. I think he had more than a hundred different dishes on his menu! Great stuff!
koh bon and the mantas
We did a couple of dives at Koh Bon. I think it was on the second dive that we saw Manta Rays (Gavins wife Fiona took the pictures of them!). It was such a totally surreal and spectacular experience. We had these two huge Mantas swimming around us for 35 minutes! They had big, very dark and friendly eyes. Almost like an elephants eyes. Some times they stopped and looked at me/us. Like ancient aliens. So beautiful and peaceful!
Actually I think we saw a couple of Leopard sharks during the first dive also. One of them swam really close to me. It was also very beautiful. Like small Whale sharks. But the Mantas... wow!!!!!!!!!!
Hard to believe that there are ghosts haunting this beautiful island. No liveaboardboats ever stay for the night here... The Thai crews don't want to piss off the ghosts... Smart move I think. Don't mess with the ghosts!
Sadly we later heard from another liveaboardboat that Burmese fishermen had killed 60 Mantas just to cut their "horns" off. Unfortunately there's a market for dead rare and beautiful animals in China and Japan. I hope the ghosts of Koh Bon haunts and scares the shit out of all these assholes, both consumers, traders and hunters, who are responsible for these horrible killings. It's time to stop this trade for good.