Monday, January 17, 2005

battlestar galactica

battlestar galactica, originally uploaded by John Barleycorn.

I saw the original Battlestar Galactica movie back in 1978 or 79. Liked it a lot, but I don't remember much of it. Now I've just finished the first two episodes of sci-fi channels brand new vision of Battlestar Galactica. It's spectacular! The best sci-fi series I've ever seen on tv. It's dark and sexy. It has real characters, excellent actors and great photography (loads of hand held cameras!). Actually it's a lot like Homicide: Life on the Street or The West Wing in a sci-fi setting. Eventhough the characters live on board giant spaceships and fight against the Cylons, an android race created by humans (think The Terminator or Blade Runner), they use ordinary phones, they dress normal and use loads of normal today stuff. Weird, cool and very satisfying.

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