Wednesday, October 19, 2005

management by fear 1.1

killer journalism, originally uploaded by John Barleycorn.

Have all journalists sold their souls to Big Brother, Darth Vader and Percy Nilegård? Have they become the willing tools of the management by fear culture? Don't really know. But it sure feels like that. First we have the world famous bird flu. 60 dead over the world during the last one or two years... 60! More people probably die of falling leafs than of bird flu. This is nothing new. I quote good old Wiki:
"Influenza is an extremely variable disease; similar viruses are found in pigs and domestic fowl. In areas where there are high concentrations of humans, pigs and birds in close proximity, such as parts of Asia, simultaneous infections across species enable genetic material to be exchanged between the various strains of flu. This appears to be the principal method by which new infectious strains arise. It is believed that sooner or later, a recombination may occur to produce a strain as lethal as the 1918 virus."
Sooner or later... Okay, I can buy that. Sooner or later the sun will explode or a giant meteorite will smash earth to pieces. Very sad indeed... but there's not much we can do for the time being - so why worry? It's the same with the bird flu. Nothing much has changed since 1918. The flu is constantly changing and creating new strains. The papers didn't write about that every day five or ten years ago. So why worry now? Have the Pharmaceutical Industry bought every major news agency? A great new way to get more research money and at the same time scare people into good consumers of happy pills and gastric ulcer medicines? Who knows? Personally I just don't give a shit about the bird flu. I'm a vegeterian. Go get them birds! Get your revenge!

Then there's the swedish "killer swing". The horror! These swings have been on playgrounds for more than twelwe years and there have been no serious accidents - then a two year old kid dies - and all hell brakes lose! Every swedish journalist is sent to a playground close to their paper/news channel demanding a national ban of these "killer swings"! Parents go ballistic and starts to call every politician demanding the same. Ban them! Burn them! It's crazy! Where's the reflection? Accidents happens sometimes. You can never totally protect kids without making their lifes totally boring. Thank you journalists - you've saved the swedish kids from fun! When they have no more fun places to go - I'll bring them all to your editorial staff rooms and let them lose there. See ya soon!


Johan Muren said...

I'm so happy to hear that I'm not the only one who has seriously cut down reading newspapers and watching news on TV. Once upon a time I felt informed and stimulated by news. Now it feels like mental pollution that tries to trick me and make me stupid. Have I turned into a bitter future UNA-bomber? Maybe - anyone who want to rent me a small desolate cabin in the forest? Hoahoahoa...

Anonymous said...

If you read the papers maybe you would know that the flu infects from living birds and not by eating the meat of them... ;) Andreas, hehe, better know that when youre in Thailand where its everywhere now! ;)

Johan Muren said...

Of course I know that... I was more thinking in terms like Hitchcock's The Birds II - The Phantom Flu. This time they try to sneeze you to death. And according to my sister people in Thailand don't really understand the fuss western media makes about the bird flu. They probably would like to focus on more urgent problems than 60 dead all over asia during the last 3 years. To them I think it's more like western broiler factories trying to kill some asian competition. As always the animals get stuck in the middle. That's my revenge angle. Go get them birds!