Tuesday, September 21, 2004

ryan & lisa

ryan&lisa, originally uploaded by John Barleycorn.

Today I met my good old friends Ryan & Lisa. They live in California so we don't get to meet each other that often. But in just an hour or two we managed to solve most of the problems that haunt our planet. Hasta Siempre!


Anonymous said...

Wow. I am struck by the shining beauty of the guy in that picture. He is radiant. Charming. So intelligent. And his blog is of a quality matched only by the New York Times, and this blog of course.

Oh that one day I could aspire to reach the level of this Ryan you speak of.

But of course, that is something I could only dream of - for Ryan seems like an infalible god.


Definitely Not Ryan

gudmundson said...

Me - I always had a soft spot for the girl.
