Sunday, July 03, 2005

michael ledeen and that fascist groove thang

michael ledeen, originally uploaded by John Barleycorn.

Do you remember when Donald "I don't do diplomacy" Rumsfeld refered to Germany and France as the "old europe"?
Now, a couple of years later, I've found this very interesting article in the American Conservative. The article is about the famous neoconservative Michael Ledeen and the headline is "Flirting with Fascism". It suggests that the source of Donald Rumsfelds comment is Michael Ledeen and the Italian fascist Asvero Gravelli. I really recommend everyone to read this article. Ledeen's political ideas are said to have influenced and inspired the Bush administration. That's why his fascination of Italian Fascism is so interesting. It would also be very interesting to get a neoliberal comment on Michael Ledeen's ideas and his view that Italian fascism was both right-wing and revolutionary. Neoliberals have always ranted on about that both fascism and nazism are socialistic, and thus left-wing, ideologies. Ledeen does apparently not agree. Fascism is the source of his ideas about “the democratic revolution” and “creative destruction”. Ideas that maybe explain the situation in Iraq - it's just a little bit of that old creative destruction. Watchout for Michael and his two droogs Donald and George!

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