More classic Sci-Fi from the archives. Cities in Flight was written by James Blish between 1950 and 1962 and consists of four books . So far I'm surprised how fresh and dark the book feels compared to other books from that era. In the first book his future world consists of two authoritarian super powers - the communist Soviet Russia and the capitalist USA supervised by the FBI. You have great companies competing for government and military funding. Ruthless biotech companies, weird experiments on Jupiter, loads of unemployed people and really annoying religious fundamentalists. This is a book that has influenced writers like Iain M Banks, Greg Bear, Ken MacLeod and Stephen Baxter. It's smart, visionary and epic Sci-Fi from the late 50's.
Tuesday, August 29, 2006
Sunday, August 27, 2006
east side
This is my beer and my brand new book "The Stars My Destination" by Alfred Bester outside East Side. Orion books is republishing some old Sci-Fi classics with beautiful new covers. Not the usual boring space craft and good looking girl in bikini stuff. More like old 50's book sleeves.
Gully Foyle is my name
And Terra is my nation
Deep space is my dwelling place
Death my destination
weekend swim
This is me after my weekend swim. It starts to get a bit colder in the water now. It's probably between 18 - 19° centigrade.
the view to the west
Here's the view from Holmen when you look towards the west. You can see Nacka Forum, the twin radio towers and the old factory to the right.
an other side of holmen
In late august the sun starts to go lower and spending more time in the west so it's time to change to the western part of Holmen.
her comes the flood
We got caught in a real thunderstorm on our excursion. But we didn't care. Rain is fun. I even took a swim with some of the kids.
Lord, here comes the flood
We'll say goodbye to flesh and blood
If again the seas are silent
in any still alive
It'll be those who gave their island to survive
Drink up, dreamers, you're running dry.
Peter Gabriel, Here Comes The Flood from Peter Gabriel 1
back in school
On the first day of school we went down to Smedsuddsbadet in central Stockholm. This is how happy you look when you're back in school!
the mighty örjan
The notorious Örjan is picking a fight with two female police officers just outside my balchony. Notice how he's still dressed in government property. Always fighting against both the law, the doctors, the bouncers at the local pub and the citizens of Fiskis. Five police officers were needed to bring him down.
wild rabbit
This little female wild rabbit seems to enjoy company. She has built a home for her kids in a playground. Pretty daring I think. In the picture to the left she's feeding her kids and in the picture to the right she's covering the entrance to her home.
Here's a nice piece of street art made by Mogul that I found under Västerbron.
Who's going to Guantanamo?
Both, just in case...
More about Swedish street art here:
andreas & saralina
Here are Andreas & SaraLina at Snotty's. We are still celebrating my brothers birthday.
meet the spocks
Here are the notorious Spock family! We are celebrating my brothers 38th birthday. He's the Spock to the left. Loads of action packed fun!
very friendly wild duck
This very friendly wild duck sat beside me one day. Maybe she thought she was human too.
malte, johanna & andreas
I even managed to trick the Family Unit to come down to Holmen one day. Malte enjoyed the yellow dinosaur. Or maybe it was a sea monster. I'm not sure.
Had a lazy summer vacation. Spent most of my time down at Holmen. It's so close and such a great place to relax.
I've been growing loads of sunflowers on my balchony this summer. Here's one more close look at one of them.
the fog
The Fog has arrived and with it came the first autumn ghosts. A bit early I think. Summer can't be over already.
the tired ones
Meet the Tired Ones. You work really hard the whole week and the thing that keeps you going is the happy thought of another weekend soon. But when the weekend comes you're too tired to do anything. A couple of beers and then off to bed. Sleep is good.