Happiness! This is inside the elevator and I'm on my way up. My bed is really close now.
Sunday, April 23, 2006
albion - the ladies man
Albion together with Clara and Maria. We are at Berlin Stkhlm and I drink too much beer. Getting a bit sleepy.
berlin stklm
Me and some friends went to Carmen and Berlin Stklm to celebrate me getting even older than before. Here Albion shows his skills as a player together with Clara and Maria.
A crowded picnic at Nytorget. Clara doesn't understand why they gave her sallad to her pizza. Sallad is bad. Pizza is good.
thru the darkness...
...of Future Past
the magician longs to see
one chants out
between two worlds
Fire - walk with me.
Saturday, April 22, 2006
a day at work
Some people just have more boring jobs than others. Just look at what my sister Anna have to do during her work days. Swimming around with beautiful Mantas and Whale Sharks all day long in the Similans outside Phuket. Poor girl.
Read more about it in her blog - Anna i Thailand - it actually gets updated once in a while!
Monday, April 17, 2006
time travel 7 - fiskis sunrise
This will be the last stop of this journey through time and space. Another Fiskis sunrise. Shine on!
time travel 6 - new year 2002
time travel 5 - tiffy & mary
This is later that autumn. Tiffy and Mary give us their best ghetto poses.
time travel 3 - stefan & karin
This is Stefan and Karin at some party. Don't really remember when or where. But they seemed to have fun.
time travel 2 - ayman & delil
This is from Delils last day at school. He moved to another suburb. He was a really cool little dude.
time travel 1 - fiskis morning
I found two old rolls of film in a drawer at home. Of course I developed them and they turned out to be three years old. My two last rolls of film before I went digital. I hope you'll enjoy some serious time travel. This first stop is a sunny autumn morning back in 2002.
Sunday, April 16, 2006
the carpenters
Look - no trees or furry fluffy animals!!! This is Clara and Albion posing as The Carpenters at sjuttio. They did an excellent job. It was almost like they were The Carpenters!
coltsfoot spring extravaganza
Sorry - I didn't mean to turn my blog into some bloody Discovery Channel clone. I will try to keep the number of nature pics down for a while now. I promise. This is for my sister in Phuket.
Saturday, April 15, 2006
international bird rescue team
A female Bullfinch flew into one of our windows and got totally knocked out. Fortunately the International Bird Rescue Team was there and saved her.
is there anybody out there?
Strule entered his traumatic and very depressive Pink Floyd period this easter. Just like Christ himself.
Is there anybody out there?
Is there anybody out there?
krazy kat kommando
The Krazy Kat Kommando totally enjoyed the sunshine. The birds were a little bit less enthusiastic...
Sunday, April 09, 2006
This is Nybroviken and Ladugårdslandsviken in central Stockholm where the mobsters used to dump their victims once upon a time. At least that's what they say...
go, team orkut!
My fellow orkutians Prabin, Maria, Clara and Gareth outside Moderna Museet in Stklm.
Sunday, April 02, 2006
old skool
This is me inside Pet Sounds Bar wearing my brand new second hand suit and my ultra cool tie. Not too bad for an old man.
Drank a couple of beers, listened to some great music and met some friends from a distant past at Nada and Pet Sounds Bar yesterday.
school of skateboarding
I took the school kids to STHLM Skatepark last week. We had a lot of fun and got plenty of bruises.
the great kid musician
Malte is a guy who loves music. Here he's trying out the fire-extinguisher. It totally rocks!