Yesterday it was full moon. All the lunatics were howling from their balconies.
Monday, August 30, 2004
Free food - free wine! That's what we like with the annual party for the Zucchero staff. Joxo, Fanny and Maria enjoy both the food and the wine. I enjoyed it too.
This is my kind of art! I really do enjoy well made stencil graffiti. Banksy is a genius and I recommend Tristan Manco's book Stencil Graffiti.
Sunday, August 29, 2004
Pro Veritas?
Pamfletten går som sagt under namnet ”59 deceits in Fahrenheit 9/11”. Det är alltså "deceits" det handlar om. Deceits betyder bedräglighet eller falskhet - inte felaktighet. Det är en viss men inte oviktig skillnad. Kopel själv anser sig tvungen att hänvisa till en ordbok (Webster's 9th New Collegiate Dictionary) för att vara säker på att alla förstår skillnaden. Han vill ju inte själv bli anklagad för att ljuga och då är det bäst att gardera sig. Han tycker alltså inte att Michael Moores film är direkt felaktig utan snarare bedräglig, subjektiv och full av halvsanningar. Det handlar inte om 59 fel eller lögner, utan om 59 halvsanningar. Det bedrägliga med filmen är troligen att den bara tar upp saker som Dave Kopel personligen inte håller med om. Dave Kopel och flera andra högerdebattörer har fått för sig att en dokumentärfilm måste vara 100 % objektiv, annars är det en propagandafilm, inte en dokumentär. Det är inte helt sant. Först och främst för att det är så gott som omöjligt att göra en helt objektiv dokumentärfilm. Regissören väljer själv alltid vad kameran skall riktas mot, sedan väljer regissören vilka delar av filmen som ska visas och hur dessa bitar ska sammanfogas. Det blir alltså alltid en subjektivt tolkning av verkligheten vare sig man vill eller inte. Däremot bör man som regissör försöka vara så saklig som möjligt. Michael Moore har aldrig försökt att dölja detta. Han har alltid öppet sagt att Fahrenheit 9/11 är en film riktad mot Bush administrationen. Därför har han valt att visa de fakta som talar mot George W. Bush. Är då Fahrenheit 9/11 en propagandafilm? Det beror på hur man väljer att tolka ordet propaganda. Enligt Nordstedts etymologiska ordbok betyder propaganda ”ivrig verksamhet för en åsikt” och då är ju onekligen Fahrenheit 9/11 en propagandafilm. Men nuförtiden har propaganda en väldigt dålig klang. Det är något man förknippar med Sovjetunionen och Nazityskland. Därför är det inte så konstigt att Michael Moores motståndare väljer att kalla hans film för en propagandafilm istället för en dokumentärfilm. Sanningen är väl att den är både ock. Det är bra att Pro Veritas och andra granskar Michael Moore. Sedan kan man diskutera hur pass opolitiska Pro Veritas verkligen är. Nättidningen skriver att det verkar finnas en hel del kopplingar mellan dem, Fria Moderata Studentföreningen i Göteborg samt med den nyliberala tankesmedjan Timbro i Stockholm. Något som även Anton Andreasson tar upp i sin blog. Om det stämmer så verkar Pro Veritas vara ett lustigt val av namn. Dessutom borde man kanske välja andra källor för sin kritik än Dave Kopel om nu objektivitet är något som man strävar efter.
Thursday, August 12, 2004
Dead Doll
Back home from the school trip I went down to Holmen with a friend. Her daughter played dead doll. Felt a bit like sun bathing with the girl from Poltergeist or the boy from the Shining... redrum...
School Trip to Erstavik Part 4
The Frog Girl was very satisfied with the trip. Fat Man threw her high up in the air and down into the warm sea. Lots of laughs. She's a surprisingly tough little lady.
School Trip to Erstavik Part 3
Finally we reached the beach. It must have been at least 30 degrees in the air, and you should know that in Sweden that's a lot. I ran down into the water from here...
School Trip to Erstavik Part 2
Hehe... during the weekend some kids had used their skills in writing to give me and the schoolkids a warm welcome to Erstavik. Knulla is fuck in Swedish, just so you get the general idea. I think their message lacked the verbal creativity you usually meet in the suburbs... so it must have been a bunch of stiff rich kids... ; )
School Trip to Erstavik Part 1
At Erstavik the train halts in the middle of nowhere. Looks a bit weird but it's nice to be able to exit the commuter train and just have trees and wilderness around you. No buildings.
Tuesday, August 10, 2004
Waiting for the bus
I found this little Japanese Robot standing beside a road in Södermalm. He/she said it was enjoying the view while waiting for the bus home. These robots are so polite...
I come in peace?
I think this plastic robot look a bit drugged out! I wonder what he/she's on? Lubricants? Glue?
Meet the Elliotts!
Well, today is the last day of my vacation and I walked down to Holmen for some sun and fun! The Elliotts had reserved the best spot for me and them. Freja was ready for some serious swimming and diving. Me and the guys tried to help out!
World Satellite Dish Championship
In Fisksätra there's this constantly ongoing World Satellite Dish Championship. Maybe not as fun as that crazy party in the Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy - but nevertheless fascinating! I wonder how many channels you need to win? Probably a lot more than my boring five channels...
Monday, August 09, 2004
The view from the access balcony outside my appartment. It's early morning. As usual a guy throw up on the bus ride home... these young boys just don't know how to drink...
My train
This is the train home to Fiskis. It's very old and we are all very happy when it manage to work the whole ride without any major incidents.
Okay... weird things happening on blogspot. This sunny picture from my brothers stag party disappeared mysteriously. What's going on???
More school yard fun!
This happy little boy is a friend of mine. I think he look really cool in my glasses.
Sunday, August 08, 2004
Some Cultural Input No. 1
This week it's Tokyo Style in Stockholm - sort of a cultural festival. Because of that I want to recommend Taiyo Matsumoto to you all. He's one of this planets best graphic artists! Especially his books about Black & White - they have a very rich & fascinating story line too. Otherwise I'm enjoying the warm summer evenings together with two great cd:s. The first one is a reissue of a classic swedish progressive album from 1973 - "Arbete & Fritid" by Arbete & Fritid (arbete & fritid = work & leisure). It's a beautiful blend of progressive rock and swedish folk music. The other one is a collection of some really cool Italo disco singles selected by record collector Gianluco Pandullo. It's called I-Robots. Love "Robot Is Systematic" by Lectric Workers!
Collect them all!
Saturday, August 07, 2004
These guys are my friends Per, Robin and Jelena. Yesterday we had a small berbecue in the yard between our houses. It worked out just fine - except for some crazy estonian liqueur... ouch!
Holmen is the beach closest to Fiskis. That's because it's a part of Fiskis. Loads of people barbecue here in the evenings. It's a very nice place.
The bridge to Holmen
The bridge to Holmen (a small island). It's only three minutes away from my appartment so I go there a lot.
Somewhere behind all the leafs lies Dammsjon (the Dam Lake). You pass this little lake on your way to Erstavik. It's very beautiful. Loads of white water lilys in the water.
Me and some friends went to the beach at Erstavik. Had a great day there. It's only 20 minutes away from Fisksatra if you go by bicycle or train.
Naked Ape
Jonas and Albion - the famous electro act Naked Ape - taking a few drinks in the out door bar at Debaser. I tried to fit in among these super stars.. and I did!
A small visitor shows me who's the boss!
This is my friend Jimmy's son Victor. He's a really cool guy. This is his crazy face. He can also do the Elephant, the Rabbit and the Monkey! He rules!
My brother and his wife
Well, finally they got married, Andreas (my brother) & Johanna. I'm very happy and I love them a lot! Looking forward to become an uncle this November.
My brother and Oskar
This is also from my brothers stag-party. He's the one with no hair! The other guy is Oskar, the brother of his wife to be. We had a really great time. At least I did. But some of us disapeared...
Summer night
This is from my brothers stag-party. We were outside Stockholm at a place called Segersta. If you look closely you can see a horse. At least I think so. Don't really know why I took this picture... Maybe I liked the light... maybe not...
A view from my Balcony
The view from my balcony... if you manage to get through those damn tomato plants!
My tomato plants
Me and my enormous tomato plants. They have totally taken over my balcony. So far it's mostly stems and leafs. I have only seen two tomatos... That makes me a bit sad : )
The boat club
This is Fisksatra Boat Club. Yesterday they found an old corpse floating around down there. Probably someone who had gone through the ice last winter. If you look closely you can see my brothers boat in the picture. It's called Little Red Riding Hood!
Other neighbours
This is a new neighbour of mine. He has actually lived here before. But he had to leave after he drove his car into one of the local pubs! He got disappointed after they had thrown him out. Wanted more beer I think - but that incident didn't make him very popular...
The school
The good old school yard. Loads of surreal and crazy fun! We have kids from 80 different countries in our school - so a day at work is pretty much a trip around the globe...
The old shooting-range
If you walk into the forest that surrounds Fiskis you can find many weird and beautiful things. This is the old shooting-range. Nowadays it's mostly young graffiti artists in the neighbourhood that use it.
A neighbour
My neighbour Kwame taking care of his kid brother. They were also hanging around at the festival.
The International Festival in Fisksatra
The International Festival in Fisksatra. The girls are all my students. We had a really good time. Lots of good food and good music. The girls liked the local hip hop artist Sam-E best. Me too.
This is Fisksatra Torg (torg=square). The house I live in is in the back to the left. My neighbourhood was built during 1973 and 1974. The architects were Tore Forsman, Ulf Snellman and Kjell Rosenberg. I like it a lot. But maybe they could have choosen a different colour for the facades. : )